Who does not want long healthy luscious hair? When you have healthy hair and skin, even a simple women kurta can give an elegant and beautiful look. With increasing pollution, stress and less time for ourselves, this just stays as a dream only. Also, it takes time to grow hair long which finally leads in split-ends, hair fall and finally ends up in going for a haircut. The kind of life all of us are leading now, with a chaotic situation outside and stressful life while staying inside our homes, it is important that we take care of ourselves. There are no secrets of having long healthy hair. You just have to follow a few basic steps consistently on a regular basis.
There is no secret as we said before. Since childhood, we have heard that the best way to promote hair growth is oiling regularly. Oiling also keeps the hair shiny and the scalp nourished. Make sure that you create a routine and follow it. A weekly indulgence in a nice oil massage will also work. You can also follow up with hair steaming (hair spa). A concoction of coconut oil and curry leaves is also regarded good for the hair.
Hair mask
Hair masks are easily available online nowadays. You can also make your own by blending fruits like Papaya or Banana and mix it up with curd, eggs or honey. If applied regularly, hair mask not only cleanses out the scalp, but it also helps in hair growth.
Now comes the most important part of the routine, diet. A healthy and sumptuous diet is the secret to long, thick and healthy hair. Try consuming lots of fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables and drink ample amount of water. You can also include dry fruits like walnuts and almonds in your daily meals.
Now, there are two more steps you should follow, 1. Shampoo and 2. Conditioning. Make sure that you shampoo your hair following by conditioning at least 2-3 times a week. Also, while sleeping you can keep your hair tied as this reduces split-ends and promote hair growth. And finally, try to listen to music, read books and spent time in whatever you like to do during free hours. Mental health is highly related to our hair and skin. Being happy and stress-free will give you astonishing results.